Sometimes I’m in such a hurry to finish my to-do list, I trip over my steps and fall on my proverbial face. Can you relate? Walking with God, however, takes time and following HIS plans. That brings peace and joy instead of frustration and failure.
Eternal Perspectives by Sally Bair
A step at a time
Most of the snow has melted by now, buds are popping out on trees and shrubs, and migrating birds are returning. But ice remains in some of the heavily-shaded areas. Wooded, meandering trails can remain slippery for weeks to come. As we hike such areas, we must take one slow, deliberate step at a time to avoid falling.
Our walk with God can be compared to hiking a trail. Many Old Testament men of God trusted Him to lead them to their destination, not knowing where their next step would take them. Abraham left his home country at God’s command without knowing his destination. Joseph, though imprisoned and without knowledge of his future, also believed God would reveal his next steps. And throughout the centuries, countless Christians have been called by God to enter the mission field, knowing they will be leaving their comfortable living, trusting God to provide all their needs.
When we focus on the icy trail ahead rather than on the Lord, our trail leader, fear can hinder our steps. We can be robbed of God’s promised trail-blessings, such as His incredible peace and joy. And we may hold back others in their own walk with God.
Fear of the unknown looms large in the hearts of many. But usually the “What ifs” we ask ourselves come to nothing. The opposite of fear is faith, such as exhibited by Abraham and Joseph. They didn’t know what would happen next, nor do we. Our job is simply to trust that God will tell us exactly where to plant our feet. Such faith will propel us forward, assuring us that God wants only the best for us.
Since faith is a gift from God, we need only to ask for it. One of the best ways to receive faith is by reading, meditating, and studying His Word. Such a habit will strengthen our trust in Him as He guides us on our next step. The Bible contains at least 365 “Fear nots,” one for each day of the year. Isn’t that enough to cause us to start taking one step at a time for Him?
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Lord, thank You for the gift of faith. Cause us to walk in it, one step at a time, without fear. In Jesus’ name, amen.